
Since 1928, CALIBRACIER has been recognized for its know-how and high-technicity products. These services provide multiple industries around the world.

A century of expertise in cold processing on cylindrical bars and tubes that allows the company to make a full use of this long artisanal tradition and expand it into industrial engineering, making CALIBRACIER one of the leading European of centerless grinding on long bars.

Over the years, CALIBRACIER has maintained a constant innovation to meet market development and customers' requirements.

A century of know-how guaranteeing a premium quality

An industrial excellence ensuring high-technicity products to our customers

CALIBRACIER provides full management of the business case in order to supply its customers high-precision products ready-to-use.

A constant innovation

Seeking solutions for its customers, CALIBRACIER is modernizing thanks to high-performance digital tools (customized information system...)

Outstanding industrial capacities

5 000 tons produced per year.

Lenghts up to 13 meters supported by a network of historical partners.

A human adventure

Led by a forward-thinking management.